Wednesday, November 6, 2013

TurfSoccer césped sintético está hecho completamente de plástico

TurfSoccer césped sintético está hecho completamente de plástico , y no requiere ningún partículas de caucho , tales como arena o llenar la Sección . En comparación con los productos tradicionales , la cantidad de fibras de césped sintético TurfSoccer puede ser hasta siete veces la densidad es de 4 veces , por lo que con el fin de asegurarse de que hay un césped verde y exuberante . La fibra natural se atribuye a su capacidad para recuperar apoyo adicional en espiral de fibra .

TurfSoccer césped sintético es especialmente adecuado para el fútbol , el hockey , el tenis, campo de golf, y en las instalaciones públicas adecuadas .

familia césped césped sintético introducido un nuevo miembro de poliuretano reciclable

TurfSoccer comercializará un poliuretano de fabricación de césped sintético , por lo que las personas " necesitan fertilización riego , la poda no escarda " se puede disfrutar de los exuberantes jardines.

Este proceso de fabricación de poliuretano utilizada en la fabricación de césped de soja productos de poliuretano de base biológica sintéticos en lugar de utilizar la producción de petróleo de poliuretano , el uso de la ciencia y la tecnología , complementado por el material a partir de botellas de plástico reciclado , para lograr un producto reciclable 100 % .

Gerente general TurfSoccer , dijo : Este césped sintético de poliuretano puede ahorrar miles de toneladas al año de agua, y una reducción significativa de las emisiones de dióxido de carbono , y no requiere de fertilizantes químicos y pesticidas , al tiempo acordado y la seguridad del agua subterránea puede una protección muy eficaz.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Los beneficios ambientales de césped artificial

Los beneficios ambientales de césped artificial

Jardinería y mantenimiento del césped requiere el uso de grandes cantidades de agua , electricidad , gas, y toma mucho trabajo . ¿Crees que por lo general pasa en cortadoras de césped , riego o el tiempo de deshierbe y , a continuación, piensa en el impacto negativo de todos estos comportamientos en el medio ambiente . La historia de la humanidad nunca ha estado tan preocupado por el medio ambiente. La población del mundo ha habido un crecimiento exponencial de la destrucción humana del medio ambiente de la Tierra ha sido irreversible , el impacto negativo de la actividad humana en la Tierra se ha convertido cada vez más evidente . Ahora tenemos que encontrar una solución para resolver estos problemas ambientales , no son para que nuestras futuras generaciones para limpiar este desastre.

La siguiente es una lluvia GVRD y agua Tabla de relación entre el consumo. Usted verá en la figura, en la estación seca , el consumo de agua casi se duplicó , el gobierno de la ciudad tuvo que las restricciones de agua . En la vida real , hemos estado en un montón de agua, y comenzó a utilizar césped artificial para proteger el medio ambiente en el que vivimos . Incluso en la temporada más calurosa del año , no es necesario regar el césped , sólo un spray rápido posible. Sus vecinos le envidiarán todo el año verde césped , y usted puede guardar la cortadora de césped o regar el césped a disfrutar del aire libre con sus amigos o hijos .

Nuestra empresa a comprar créditos de carbono para compensar las emisiones de dióxido de carbono generadas en la fabricación de productos de césped artificial en el proceso. La durabilidad del producto será un ahorro significativo para muchos años que solía pasar en el agua y la electricidad, así que te sientes más a gusto para disfrutar de la comodidad de la hierba artificial.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Apareció la basura que hay tres clases de manera de limpiar el césped sintético

Contratación general ámbito de actividad de diversas instalaciones deportivas que ponen de ingeniería y proyecto de apoyo a la ingeniería. Incluye: la construcción de la pista de plástico, canchas de baloncesto, campos de fútbol, pistas de tenis, canchas de balonmano, un gimnasio y otras instalaciones. Proporcionar a los clientes con el asesoramiento técnico, diseño de ingeniería, el lugar de construcción de mantenimiento global, y otros servicios profesionales, y la distribución de diversos equipos deportivos y la construcción e instalación.

Unidad de Inspección del Sporting Goods Nacional de Supervisión de Calidad e Inspección del Centro

Oficina de Gestión de estándar de la Comisión de Deportes Instalaciones de Deportes

problema común en el uso de Resumen de césped sintético:

TurfSoccer césped artificial a fines de mantenimiento / cuidado?

No se requiere ningún cuidado especial. Apareció la basura que hay tres clases de manera de limpiar el césped sintético:

1 - Ventilador de alta potencia, aspirador para limpiar el césped artificial

- Rociar agua para limpiar el césped artificial

3 - escoba / fregona para limpiar el césped sintético

El césped artificial no se desvanece en TurfSoccer no resistió la garantía de calidad

Asegúrese de que el césped sintético en el período de garantía no se han desvanecido, fenómeno resistido. Dependiendo del producto, la diferencia de tiempo.

TurfSoccer si el césped artificial de alta temperatura, frío

la calidad del pasto alambre alto contenido de fibra, productos de césped sintético para que el césped para soportar altas temperaturas y el rendimiento en frío.

TurfSoccer artificiales problemas de drenaje del césped, cómo desagüe?

En el caso del agujero de drenaje especialmente diseñado (uniformemente distribuida sobre la parte posterior del césped sintético), de modo que el agua de lluvia puede efectivamente / Accidente de agua, el flujo de agua a través del orificio de desagüe a la tubería o el canal de drenaje. después de la colocación de césped sintético no afecta al sistema de drenaje existente.

TurfSoccer césped artificial ignífugo

Este producto no tiene una combustión espontánea, ignífugo, no de combustión, el rendimiento no se propaga.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

" 188 Elite Cup" in TurfSoccer artificial grass football pitches formal war

" 188 Elite Cup" in TurfSoccer artificial grass football pitches formal war

August 28 , special approval by the Premier League club , the Guangdong Provincial Football Association , Guilin Daily, Win nets, Win 188 ring, Guangdong, Taiwan and other stylistic jointly organized the " Second Bolton - Wigan - Chelsea 188 Elite Cup " Guangdong Division today 10:00 football venues in Guangzhou TurfSoccer speed cell suspension assembly 02 TurfSoccer artificial grass sports flooring and formal war on the pitch . Indicates that , after six months of meticulous planning that much public attention Futsal Classic officially kicked off .

After the last " 188 Elite Cup" Futsal Cup success after the tournament more appealing , has been in Guangzhou Football Association and the sports sector support. Among them, the former national team players, football coaches are shipped Province Yuncheng Mai Chao said, " 188 Elite Cup" is an annual event amateur football fans hope that through this event can increase the level of amateur football in Guangdong . In addition to the support of outside sports sessions , professional events , the organizers also formalized and ornamental efforts in the direction of the tournament site selection is also a lot of thought . Select TurfSoccer Guangdong Division football field as competition venues , because TurfSoccer speed grid 02 football pitches suspension assembly TurfSoccer artificial grass sports flooring and much favored by the parties and the recommendation that the floor is Chinese professional league futsal earmarked floor , and through the international EN standards. Its outstanding sports performance not only effectively protect athletes , leaving athletes zero burden fully enjoy exercise ; while product vivid , bright color combinations, it is able to rapidly enhance the athlete's athletic passion. Furthermore, almost natural grass texture consistent TurfSoccer artificial grass products in the sport of football speed , traction and other properties have reached a FIFA certification authority, in such a high-quality venue for the game, and the competitive level athletes get the best overall fit to play .

First match day 32 teams all appearances , will be suspended at the Super 02 format assembled sports flooring and TurfSoccer artificial grass pitch dedicate 24 races . 24 games , 13 games to score a total of eight goals or more , up to that game even has 18 goals, quite wonderful . Off- enthusiastic fans all assembled in TurfSoccer simple grandstand seats to watch the game , scoring the success encountered beloved team , they all stood up and shouted jubilant cheers , the whole event after another wave of wave boom . Organizers also attentive, at halftime , when arranged interactive games gifts . Many fans make all the stops through the " half-baked " in football skills to win , " 188 " , the Premier League club carefully prepared souvenirs are hooked. Entire TurfSoccer football field became a sea of ​​joy.

"TurfSoccer Quality, Health Movement" , so that more people in the TurfSoccer artificial grass on the experience the joy of movement , so that more healthy products from TurfSoccer spread .

Monday, September 9, 2013

South Africa World Cup stadium synthetic grass into a public enemy

South Africa World Cup stadium synthetic grass into a public enemy

June 13 evening 7:30, two first team into the World Cup finals, Algeria and Slovenia World Cup has created a history - the first mixed in artificial lawn games. Picture from the game point of view, lawn flat, clear boundaries, ball flight and scrolling speed is very fast.

Stadium turf into a public enemy

French team said that the venue is too thin turf, a turf tackles gone; Danes say very slippery turf, really do not know how could this; Dutch coach believes that venue is very hard, seriously affected the team's game play; Portugal coach before complaining about the poor sod; Spanish team also hopes the stadium turf a little shorter, and the loud speaker saying that if the turf quality is good, they will be invincible ......

If you give all the complaining about the World Cup to be summarized, then complain about stadium turf can certainly complain before the World Cup in South Africa was selected the top three. As early as before the start of the World Cup, people had questioned the South African football turf quality, original deficiencies and positive winter weather conditions allow South Africa to become people boast Stadium turf.

To address this deficiency, the FIFA under immense controversy, for the first time in two Stadium natural grass and artificial turf enabled hybrid lawn. Algeria and Slovenia team launched the first ever conducted on synthetic grass in the World Cup. However, synthetic grass in the World Cup's first show, attracted or a target of criticism. Coach both sides have expressed dissatisfaction with synthetic grass on the golf course.

Although the World Cup with natural turf and synthetic grass technology is not recognized by the majority of players, but I think in the near future, this hybrid technology will be widely adopted!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Each artificial lawn tensile fibers undergo treatment, with high strength and toughness.

For artificial lawn products, at present we have completed the research and development center localization of foreign mainstream products, self-developed by the R & D center is fully prepared using domestic raw silk artificial lawn, both in appearance and color, weather resistance, mechanical properties, or other important quality factors, have reached the level of mainstream products abroad, while the cost price compared with foreign products, but also has obvious advantages. And we also have independent intellectual property rights research center sustained release flavor artificial lawn and turf reinforcement patented technology. Meanwhile on the lawn detection equipment, the laboratory has independently developed a artificial lawn wear test machine. Can be seen in the field of artificial lawn, the overall R & D level in the international leading position.

Artificial synthetic material prepared equipment has good durability, can be designed, easy maintenance and other features make them more and more popular in the sports world. Concerned with artificial lawn. artificial lawn can meet 24 hours, all-weather, high-intensity exercise needs, maintenance is simple; antiseptic, sunscreen, environmental protection, the human body without harm; clouds but hidden seepage holes, so that rain water is much less than the extent of the natural turf; flat , no bump to the athlete fully fair play space and security technology. Each artificial lawn tensile fibers undergo treatment, with high strength and toughness. The unique colored grass strips, a change in the traditional spraying methods, the stadium in line with its integration of various functions without fading. Dispense water for irrigation; stadium cost only natural grass maintenance costs 1/20 to 1/10. And stadium can also be made into intelligent, is a pressure-type and contact type information sensing capabilities to the football players on the court when training or competition run, catch, dribble and collision with the end result when the information falls feedback to the terminal is obvious.

With the energy crisis and environmental protection, attention gradually improved, efficient resource recycling and renewable resource development researchers attracted worldwide attention, the surface layer of the same research and development in the sports sector, there have been a common trend. For example, the system for the lawn recycling of raw materials can be recovered as a whole lawn, biodegradable raw material preparation lawns, low lawns. At present, the domestic enterprises such as lawn Titan Group, has been in the overall recovery may lawn, lawn so cold start research project. This shows that domestic enterprises have begun to realize the environment and materials in the field of energy in motion the changes brought about, combined with scientific institutions technology and talent advantages, I believe that our surface material will keep up with the pace of development.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

synthetic turf on the relative motion characteristics of natural turf advantage of excellent field homogeneity

The modern city building higher and higher, more and more, but always seem to keep up with urban landscape times, green land again be swallowed. So, people think of the top of a building in the bare snatch some sites, so with the roof lawn. Rooftop lawn appearance, so the addition of a people for greening confidence. synthetic turf looks very bright, the four seasons are green, it is a good drainage performance, the use of long life, low maintenance costs when. synthetic turf sports performance compared with natural grass, synthetic turf construction site is usually much greater hardness, chemical fiber friction coefficient is often less than the lawn grass blades, in basketball on the performance of lead ball too fast, bounce rate too high, thereby increasing the difficulty of control of the ball players. synthetic turf on the relative motion characteristics of natural turf advantage of excellent field homogeneity, flatness should be much better, you can take to avoid due to climate, site maintenance and other factors in poor condition, which affects the game.

synthetic turf

Urban greening, make our living environment becomes more beautiful, so our planet become green up, more and more oxygen, less and less air pollution, improve the environment, how they can be less? Yes, they are the city green lawn, is indispensable to our lives. They gave us fresh green, let us be in a good place in summer habitat for shade. Less urban greening how can they? We want to focus on Lawn Maintenance, so we rely on to protect these green. More and more golf courses are large areas of laying green lawns, golf course turf is even more beautiful people can not hold your breath, a large area of ​​laying lawn, not only for our entertainment correct attitude, and it can also let us always have a clean environment to entertainment to relax. Protect our environment in order to have a beautiful mood, so we can focus on Lawn Maintenance it together, love our home is to love ourselves.

With artificial turf gradually being well known, more and more people start using artificial turf, artificial turf increasingly wide range of application. Everything has its pros and cons, grassland same. Grass can absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, but it almost always caused by the production of fertilizers and lawn mowers offset carbon dioxide emissions. So, people began turning to artificial turf. However, in the manufacturing process of artificial turf will also consume a lot of energy, and can not be recycled. However, the environmental aspects of artificial turf slightly better. Artificial turf has many benefits, cheaper than natural turf, more durable, more stable and the recovery time is shorter. It is only 3% of artificial ingredients, used to reinforce the roots of turf, turf and natural grass surfaces, like, synthetic turf. Numerous benefits of artificial turf enumeration is environmentally good helper.